Ep. 594 – Mallards of the Great Lakes – New Research into Population Declines

Great Lakes mallards are an important source of local harvest for hunters in the region, but their population has declined by nearly 60% since 1997. Recently completed research sponsored by Ducks Unlimited and a host of other partners provides insights into the potential causes. In the first of this 2-part discussion, Dr. Ben Luukkonen, imminent PhD graduate from Michigan State University, and Dr. John Coluccy, DU’s director of conservation planning and science for the Great Lakes and Atlantic Region, introduce the background for this research and highlight the questions it explored, ranging from changes in survival to influence of game-farm genetics. 

Creators and Guests

Mike Brasher
Ducks Unlimited Podcast Science Host
Ep. 594 – Mallards of the Great Lakes – New Research into Population Declines